The Ministry of ecological environment held a ministerial executive meeting
时间:2022-07-09 浏览次数: 1050 作者: 加科

On July 7, Huang Runqiu, Minister of the Ministry of ecology and environment, presided over the executive meeting of the Ministry, which reviewed and approved in principle the "14th five year plan" for environmental health work (hereinafter referred to as the "environmental health plan"), the "Third China ecological civilization Award" and the "2020-2021 Green China annual figure" selection and recognition program (hereinafter referred to as the "selection and recognition program") The opinions on strengthening the comprehensive law enforcement of ecological and environmental protection in nature reserves (hereinafter referred to as the "opinions on law enforcement"), the addition of 22 chemical substances into the list of existing chemical substances in China (hereinafter referred to as the "list"), and four ecological environment standards (hereinafter referred to as the "four standards") such as "bag sampling / direct injection gas chromatography for the determination of benzene homologues in waste gas from fixed pollution sources". Sunjinlong, Secretary of the Party group of the Ministry of ecological environment, attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that improving the quality of ecological environment and maintaining public health are the starting point and foothold of ecological environment protection.   We should effectively improve our political standing, deeply practice the people-centered development idea, comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China and a beautiful China, establish and improve the refined ecological environment management objectives, work priorities, monitoring system, access standards and performance evaluation system with the maintenance of public health as the core, and ensure that the broad masses of the people produce and live in a healthy, safe and comfortable environment. After the issuance of the environmental health plan, we should orderly promote the pilot of environmental health management, continue to consolidate the foundation of environmental health work, vigorously strengthen publicity and interpretation and local work guidance, and actively promote the implementation of various goals and tasks.

The meeting emphasized that the "China ecological civilization Award" and the "Green China person of the year" are important awards in the field of ecological environment with broad public participation, social influence and typical demonstration significance. Carrying out the selection and commendation of the two awards is an important starting point for promoting the construction of ecological civilization and ecological environmental protection, and a powerful measure to unite social forces and strive to promote the construction of a national action system for ecological environment governance. We should implement the "selection and commendation plan", strictly regulate the selection, and ensure the selection of advanced models with good public image and outstanding exemplary role; We should give full play to the positive incentive role of selection and commendation and the leading and exemplary role of advanced models, promote the formation of a good trend of advocating ecological civilization in the whole society, and make the construction of a beautiful China a conscious action of all citizens; We should strengthen publicity and build the two awards into an important position to publicize the achievements of China's ecological civilization construction and tell the story of China's ecological environmental protection.

The meeting pointed out that nature reserves are the core carrier of ecological construction.   It is of great significance to effectively protect the ecological environment of nature reserves according to law. We should carefully analyze and study the characteristics of comprehensive law enforcement of the ecological environment of nature reserves, strengthen the connection and cooperation with the management departments of nature reserves, do a good job in connection with the existing law enforcement system, cooperate with the formulation and revision of relevant laws and regulations, and accelerate the establishment and improvement of the law enforcement and supervision system of nature reserves. After the issuance of the opinions on law enforcement, we should strengthen the interpretation of documents to help local governments better understand and grasp law enforcement requirements and better perform their law enforcement duties; We should strengthen the overall planning of "Green Shield" and strengthen the supervision and law enforcement, help local governments find and investigate key ecological environment problems, and solve the prominent problems and main difficulties existing in grass-roots law enforcement work; Local governments should be encouraged to take the lead and try first, timely dispatch, summarize and notify local advanced work experience, and gradually create a new situation of comprehensive law enforcement of ecological and environmental protection in nature reserves.

The meeting emphasized that the environmental management registration system of new chemical substances is a "firewall" to prevent environmental risks of chemical substances, and an important management system and work starting point to prevent and control the increment of new pollutants at the source. The list is the basis for determining whether chemical substances need to be registered for environmental management of new chemical substances, and it is a solid foundation for the full implementation of environmental management registration of new chemical substances. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the action plan for the treatment of new pollutants, we should fully implement the environmental management registration system for new chemical substances, examine and approve the registration in strict accordance with the law and regulations, and constantly improve the directory.

The meeting pointed out that the ecological environment monitoring standard is an important basis for ecological environment monitoring. The formulation and issuance of the "four standards" will strongly support the effective implementation of ambient air quality standards and air pollutant emission standards, and is of great significance to strengthen the coordinated control of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) and solve the problems of odor disturbing residents. We should continue to strengthen the management of monitoring standards, enrich the supply of monitoring standards, and promote the preparation and revision of monitoring standards to improve quality and efficiency; We should vigorously publicize and interpret the monitoring standards, and do a good job in personnel training and technical guidance through multiple channels and in an all-round way; We should strictly supervise the implementation of monitoring standards, standardize the whole process and all aspects of monitoring work, and ensure that the monitoring data are true, accurate and comprehensive.

The meeting also examined other matters.

Kurexi, head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in the Ministry of ecological environment, Zhai Qing, Zhao Yingmin, ye min, vice ministers of the Ministry of ecological environment, Zhang Bo, chief engineer, and Tian Weiyong, chief engineer of nuclear safety attended the meeting.

The responsible comrades of the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry and the main responsible comrades of all departments, emergency centers, service centers and information centers of the government attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates.

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