The 2022 annual meeting of the International Cooperation Council held the theme forum of "build
时间:2022-06-20 浏览次数: 1056 作者: 加科

The 2022 annual meeting of the International Cooperation Council held the theme forum of "building a green silk road to help global low-carbon transformation"

On June 14, the theme forum of the 2022 annual meeting of the International Cooperation Council "building a green silk road to help the global low-carbon transformation" was held in Beijing. Zhaoyingmin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of ecological environment, Secretary General of the International Cooperation Council, chairman of the Advisory Committee of the the Belt and Road Green Development International Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the green alliance), Steele, member of the International Cooperation Council, CO chairman of the green alliance and President of Bezos earth foundation, lambotini, member of the International Cooperation Council, CO chairman of the green alliance and director general of WWF, member of the International Cooperation Council and chairman of the Advisory Committee of the green alliance Solheim, senior consultant of the World Resources Institute, and others attended the forum and delivered speeches.

In the nine years since the the Belt and Road initiative was put forward, the Chinese government has always taken cooperation in the field of ecological civilization as the key content of jointly building the the Belt and Road. The concept of green development has been deepened, the international cooperation platform has been improved, and practical cooperation initiatives have been deepened, injecting new impetus into the realization of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

The meeting stressed the need to strengthen cooperation and guidance, and rely on multilateral cooperation platforms such as green alliance to meet and jointly build national green and low-carbon development needs. We should focus on cooperation in key areas such as green energy and green finance, continue to promote clean energy industry and technical cooperation, and improve green investment and financing capabilities. We should promote the implementation of green projects, provide more green solutions, and further promote the construction of the green silk road.

Delegates at the meeting said that green and low-carbon transformation has become a global consensus. China has made a commitment to vigorously support the green and low-carbon development of energy in developing countries and contributed to China's plan for global sustainable development. It is suggested to continue to play the guiding role of green finance, promote technical cooperation in clean energy industry, and explore new paths for green and low-carbon cooperation.

More than 100 Chinese and foreign members, specially invited consultants and observers attending the 2022 annual meeting of the International Cooperation Council attended the forum to exchange and discuss topics such as promoting the "the Belt and Road" low-carbon development through clean energy innovation and cooperation, and green finance helping green recovery after the epidemic.

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