Follow up maintenance of dryer burner
时间:2021-12-18 浏览次数: 1114 作者: 加科

一、 There is high voltage discharge ignition, but the nozzle does not inject fuel.

1. The solenoid valve wiring is loose or the solenoid valve is damaged

Solution: plug in the solenoid valve cable again or replace the solenoid valve.

2. There are sundries in the oil

Solution: clean the filter screen and oil pipe of oil tank at all parts and replace the oil quality.

3. The oil nozzle filter screen is blocked

Solution: clean the filter screen and oil pipe of oil tank connected to the oil nozzle, and replace the oil quality.

4. The oil pump coupling is damaged or falls off (the fan rotates)

Solution: clean the filter screen and oil pipe of oil tank at all parts, replace the oil quality and replace the coupling.

5. The oil pump does not turn (the fan does not turn)

Solution: clean the oil pump to make it rotate smoothly, clean the filter screen and oil pipe of oil tank at all parts, and replace the oil quality.

6. There is light on the temperature sensor

Solution: block the light, do not let the outside light shine on the light sensor, let the light sensor face the direction of the oil nozzle, and the flame can be detected normally after lighting the fire.

7. The fan does not turn, but there is a buzzing sound

Solution: the fan capacitor is damaged and replaced in time.

8. The fan does not rotate and there is no buzzing

Solution: if the fan is damaged, replace it in time.

9. There is no oil in the oil tank

Solution: add fuel.

10. The control box is in poor contact or broken

Solution: reseat the control box or replace it.

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2、 There is high-voltage discharge ignition, and the fuel injection of the oil nozzle is normal

1. There are carbon deposits or sundries between the two discharge needles or between the discharge needle and the oil nozzle

Solution: clean up the sundries so that the ejected oil mist can contact and discharge.

2 damper too large or too small

Solution: adjust the size of the damper to ignite normally without obvious black smoke or white fog.

3、 The burner will automatically go out after being ignited for a while, and it will be ignited normally again, but it will go out again after a while.

1. The light sensor does not detect flame or damage

Solution: adjust the direction of the light sensor so that the light sensor is facing the flame; If damaged, please replace it in time.

2. The control box is in poor contact or broken

Solution: reseat the control box; If it is damaged, please replace it in time.

4、 The burner does not burn without any action.

1. Poor connection or damage of wiring

Solution: reconnect the burner wiring or replace it.

2. Poor contact or damage of intermediate relay

Solution: turn on the burner and the 3 and 4 lights at Y on the PLC are on. Check whether the intermediate relay of small fire and large fire is on. If the light is not on, check the front line; If the light is on, check whether there is 220V voltage between the outgoing end of the intermediate relay and the zero line. If not, the intermediate relay has poor contact or is damaged. Please plug it again or replace it with a new one. If there is voltage, check whether the rear wiring is loose or falling off, etc.

3. The control box is damaged

Solution: replace it in time.

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