Twilight gathering | GACO joins hands with China social welfare fund to walk with love
时间:2021-12-15 浏览次数: 1109 作者: 加科

   When most children can sit in classrooms that are warm in winter and cool in summer to receive education; When some children complain about too much homework and learning pressure; When students are blindly chasing stars and the latest trends... There are such a group of children whose parents go to other places for a living, so that these children can't feel the warmth of home. They grow up without the company of their families. Even in more remote mountainous areas, some children still can't get fair education. The mountain road is rugged and the road is long The lack of educational reso.

   There are such a group of people who are committed to returning the society with love, helping the needy and promoting the construction of social harmony. On June 14, 2005, they established the China social welfare foundation. The public welfare projects carried out by the foundation have won the titles of "China Charity Award in 2011, 2013 and 2015", "2015 responsible China public welfare activity Award", and "top ten public foundations" in 2017 and 2018. They actively help the elderly and orphaned and disabled children improve their education and living conditions and return to the mainstream society; Help groups in trouble to receive welfare education and restore their confidence in life; Support the simultaneous interpreting of the public cultural activities of the relevant organizations, and train the professionals needed by the society. They do not ask for rewards in public welfare, and appeal to more people to join them in their actions, so that the recipients can feel the care and strength, and pass the love and hope together.

   Scattered glimmers may not be dazzling in the dark, but when they attract each other, they will converge to form a beam of light to illuminate this small world.

   As a member of the society, nokebini actively responded to the call, fulfilled its social responsibilities, worked with China social welfare foundation to help many left behind children in trouble solve their difficulties, and put 1% - 5% of the enterprise sales contract amount from October 1, 2021 to October 17, 2022 into the special account of China Social Welfare Foundation in cash, It is used to support the help and relief public welfare activities carried out by Guangai charity foundation to provide practical guarantee for the education of these children.

   Delivering warmth to every corner of society is a belief rooted in nokebini's heart and flowing in his blood. On the road of public welfare, GACO will continue to shine and heat, make every effort to warm more people in need of help, establish brand image with love, and forge brand strength with strength!

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