GACO cooperates with Wanda Group to help enterprises transform and upgrade low nitrogen!
时间:2021-12-15 浏览次数: 1080 作者: 加科

   The second half of 2021 has begun, and GACO has lived up to the expectations of the public. In the fruitful August, GACO has won the bid. Three four ton burners of Nanjing Wanda Mao project have been commissioned and put into use.

   The bid winning of GACO is the first cooperation with Wanda Group and another milestone in the development history of nokebini combustion! The company integrated years of ultra-low nitrogen combustion technology and appropriate prices to provide customers with the best solutions that meet their needs, so that nokebini stood out from a number of competitors through layer by layer selection, and finally won the bid for Nanjing Wanda Mao 2021 boiler low nitrogen transformation project.

   Nanjing Wanda Mao project is subordinate to Wanda Group, which was founded in 1988 and has four industrial groups: Commerce, culture, real estate and finance. Wanda Commercial property covers an area of 33.87 million square meters and has opened 323 Wanda squares, including Beijing CBD, Shanghai Wujiaochang, Chengdu Jinniu and Kunming Xishan. Once ranked sixth in the list of "top 500 Chinese private enterprises" and 42nd in the list of "top 500 Chinese enterprises", it is a leading enterprise in China's commercial real estate.

   In order to achieve this cooperation, nokebini made a lot of preparations. Before the start of the project, the technical team entered the site for many times and selected three 4T burners to install on site according to the actual size and use of the boiler, the layout of on-site equipment and the actual power of the boiler of 2.1mw.

   The burner is based on the mainstream low nitrogen technology in Europe and America, and the gas emission meets the latest local environmental protection policies in Nanjing; In addition, a flue gas recirculation system is added at the flue gas outlet, so that part of the flue gas is recycled into the burner for reuse, the flue gas absorbs heat, the oxygen concentration is diluted, the combustion speed and the temperature in the furnace are reduced, the generation of thermal NOx is greatly reduced, and the NOx emission concentration is ≤ 30mg / Nm3; The fuel quantity and air quantity are adjusted by full-automatic electronic proportion, the optimal air-fuel ratio is automatically adjusted, and the gas is fully burned; The control system adopts American FIREYE explosion-proof control system, which is safe and explosion-proof; The control panel adopts the full Chinese control interface, and the one click start operation is simple and fast; The electrical components of the whole machine are well-known brands such as Honeywell, one of the world's top 500 enterprises, and the quality and stability of the products are guaranteed.

   The GACO technical team is fully responsible for the transportation, installation and commissioning of the burner. Within the 15 day construction period, the construction personnel and burner supporting equipment will be the first to arrive at the site, and the equipment will enter the site after passing the acceptance. The project leader will formulate a detailed construction plan and allocate personnel reasonably according to the site conditions. Before burner installation, due to the size difference between the original burner and the replaced burner interface, the technical engineer will replace the interface flange to make the burner interface and the boiler well sealed; Then, use seamless steel pipe to connect FGR pipeline, take thermal insulation measures to reduce the generation of condensate, and connect with field circuit to ensure normal voltage connection; After the customer's initial acceptance, the burner shall be powered on for trial operation, and the customer shall check the project progress; After all the projects are installed, the Engineer shall check whether the site has ignition conditions, feed natural gas into the burner and conduct ignition commissioning; Finally, the technicians and the third-party inspection company tested the operation of the three units to ensure the smooth operation of the burner in the follow-up. The construction personnel will not leave the site until the customer is satisfied with the completion of the project.

   It is with excellent technology and thoughtful service that GACO has been highly praised and favored by its partners. The technical team combines every cooperation experience with technology, achieves the professional perfection of each burner, is committed to striving for the maximum economic benefits for customers while meeting the requirements of low nitrogen environmental protection, and comprehensively helps the transformation and upgrading of partners.

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