"Carbon peak and carbon neutralization" the blue sea and blue sky of nokebini combustion i
时间:2021-12-14 浏览次数: 1060 作者: 加科

   2021 is the first year to achieve the goal of "carbon peak, carbon neutral". With the development of economic globalization, environmental pollution and ecological destruction have become the survival crisis faced by the whole world. With the rapid increase of carbon dioxide emissions, the "greenhouse effect" is becoming more and more intense, and the hole in the ozone layer is being destroyed... In this context, China has the courage to shoulder the burden of a big country and put forward the goal of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

   In this year's government work report, "do a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutralization" is listed as one of the key tasks of this year, and the 14th five year plan also includes the plan to accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon development. Carbon peaking means that at a certain point in time, carbon dioxide emissions will no longer increase, reach a peak, and then gradually fall back. Carbon neutralization refers to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions directly or indirectly generated by enterprises, groups or individuals in a certain period of time, through afforestation, energy conservation and emission reduction, in order to offset their own carbon dioxide emissions and achieve "zero emission" of carbon dioxide.

   On the whole, it is of great significance for China's development to achieve "carbon peaking and carbon neutralization", but it also faces many difficulties and challenges. For example, our country vigorously develops industry, but the environmental pollution caused by industry is irreversible. Water pollution, air pollution, lack of energy... These phenomena have obvious adverse effects on us. Therefore, how to scientifically plan the path and scheme of carbon emission reduction in the grand blueprint of socialist modernization has become the primary problem we are facing.

   Nokebini (Shandong) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to providing equipment services and technical support for the global combustion industry. At present, it has set up service centers in various regions of China. Over the years, with its technical advantages of energy saving and emission reduction, it has reached good cooperation with China Construction Group, China Chemical Group, Shandong Haitian Group and other well-known enterprises. In 2021, he was invited to attend the 8th burner technology exchange seminar to discuss the industry prospect with the elites of the same trade.

   Since its inception, nokebini has always adhered to the original intention of "energy saving, environmental protection and efficient combustion" and continuously explored in-depth in the combustion industry. Its flagship series of hs-ln low nitrogen burners, split burners, heat transfer oil boiler burners and other products play an important role in efficient emission reduction in the thermal industry.

   Based on China's goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutralization" and the current development situation, in the future, nokebini will continue to develop combustion equipment with high efficiency and emission reduction, and strive to achieve the goal of "carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutralization by 2060"!

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