Strong attack of energy regeneration fan
时间:2022-07-17 浏览次数: 1052 作者: 加科

     Renewable energy is an important part of the energy supply system. Vigorously developing renewable energy is of great significance for ensuring energy security, coping with climate change and achieving green development. The "14th five year plan" period is the starting period of building socialist modernization in an all-round way, and it is also a key period to promote the revolution of energy production and consumption and build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

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    Since the 13th five year plan, renewable energy has achieved leapfrog development, wind power, photovoltaic power generation and other rapid progress, the installed share has increased significantly, the supply capacity has increased significantly, the level of equipment technology has made significant progress, and innovative breakthroughs have been made in the production of key parts. The objectives of the 13th five year plan have been basically achieved, laying a solid foundation for the next large-scale and high-proportion development of renewable energy. Accelerate a series of management system reforms, establish an early warning mechanism for annual consumption of new energy and a joint approval mechanism for wind power projects, and promote the market-oriented Competitive Allocation of renewable energy in an orderly manner.

   Global energy development has entered a new stage. The process of energy transformation characterized by efficiency, cleanness and diversification has been accelerated, and the focus of energy investment has shifted to green and clean energy. The next period will be a strategic opportunity for the rapid development of renewable energy in China. China promises to achieve peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. It is clear that by 2030, the proportion of non fossil energy in primary energy consumption will reach about 25%, and the total installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation will reach more than 1.2 billion kw. Vigorously developing renewable energy has become an inevitable requirement to achieve the commitment.

    GACO complies with the needs of the times, and hereby researches the world's high-end intelligent fans. The fan types continue to be abundant. The single machine capacity of the mainstream models has been increased from 0.1kw series to 1000kW series, the impeller diameter has been increased from 300 mm to more than 5000 mm, and the utilization efficiency of wind energy has been continuously improved. Technological progress will promote the continuous reduction of construction costs, enhance the competitiveness of renewable energy industry, form a driving force for sustainable development, and make renewable energy a strong competitive player in the energy market.


      With clean, green and low-carbon as the keynote, serving energy security as the foundation, building a modern energy system as the guide, and in accordance with the general idea of "scenery first, diversified integration, quality improvement and efficiency increase, green development", promote the large-scale, high-proportion, market-oriented and high-quality development of renewable energy, consolidate and enhance the core competitiveness of the renewable energy industry, and make renewable energy become the goal of our province to achieve peak carbon and carbon neutrality, Build a new power system with an increasing proportion of clean energy, and become the "main force" of energy to improve the ecological environment and cope with climate change.

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